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In terms of why the changes like being able

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    November 16, 2022
    "Whereas before we were approaching the majority of WOTLK Gold decisions from character as our primary source of information and sometimes making account-wide unlocks in the case of achievements or cosmetics and such I believe that now more and more we are asking the question in regard to every almost reward, each piece of content, is this something that holds up for several playthroughs?" he said. "Is this something that will feel significantly different on a different person?"

    In terms of why the changes like being able to swap more easily from Covenants and the elimination of Conduit Energy took so long despite being heavily criticized by a lot of fans, Hazzikostas said it came down to initially wanting players to have semi-permanent options similar to World of Warcraft Classic talent trees. He acknowledges that the changes to the system should have come earlier, because there were positives for longer-lasting options was trimmed because players were feeling increasingly constrained by Shadowlands's systems in the months following the expansion's launch.

    "It's the pattern we've learned to think in and are accustomed to thinking about," he said. "Working for World of Warcraft this long could result in the appearance of stubbornness on the outside. I can understand that and understand that it can be difficult. It's taken us time to get to recognize that when we create friction, people will have to come up with a solution for it. By definition friction is not fun. You're dealing buy WOW WOTLK Classic Gold with an issue that is annoying and slowing you down, why are we doing that? Let people move from something they like to something they enjoy without obstacles.