And excellent players may possess the skill gap

  • For instance rookie shooting is actually easy NBA 2K MT and you may hit like a ton of whites somewhat early slightly lates and even hit some earlys and lates because that is where the noobs are gont be since rookie is where it starts out, experts like 19s shooting however a tiny bit easier, all celebrities like 2K19s shooting but a small bit harder, superstars like 20s shooting and hall of fames where just greens move in on jump shots. This would mean crap players could have fun moving on a difficulty where they can hit there shots, against garbage players.

    And excellent players may possess the skill gap they have always wanted, and can actually have a challenge. And them you've got the park where you can have the pickup game feel that they've had in the last 2Ks. So you want a game in which it becomes tougher the better you are? A game getting much better the more difficult you are is what cod does with SBMM and everyone hates it. People who are good in NBA 2K23 are interested in being rewarded for their skill and not watch other players with significantly lower ability succeed with broken mechanisms such as hop steps, article hooks, etc..

    Pretty sure that is exactly what there is a skill gap. Lmao, no it isn't. The fuck. Why would anybody want to play a game that punishes you for being good? You want the possibilities of a shot going in to be lower if you are a good player, that's ridiculous. That's the opposite of a skill difference. Bad players happen to be given with shots and making it more Cheap NBA 2K MT difficult to shoot is punishing players? That's the OPPOSITE of a skill gap. Hit enter every once in awhile please.