They have this content inaccessible

  • The TD: One of the aspects I've witnessed in interviews WoTLK Gold, and among players who haven't been through it on PTR includes the construction system. It's like something people may be familiar with such as the build-up of for the Isle of the Thunder King or the Molten Front, however when we reach the Broken Shore and, spoiler to say, settle at the Broken Shore, we're basically inhabiting these ancient Night Elven ruins. In the midst of these ruins are these three structures. I've heard people say, "Oh is this Garrisons on the Broken Shore," or, "What's going on here?" What's really happening is these structures had historical significance within the city. In addition, we're in a region, meaning North America, Europe, or China, on a region-wide scale, but with a cross-faction. we're contributing resources to the ones we're acquiring in the Broken Shore and the Broken Isles. In addition, as we contribute the resources we're also building these buildings to restore them to their original state of pristine.

    Then, when they're constructed, this could take anywhere from a week, up to two weeks and up to three weeks -- it's based on how much players contribute to the project, and it's up to the player decision what buildings are going to be up in their area. The moment that the building goes up, it's going bring additional content to The Broken Isles for players to visit and explore. They have these static things that unlock when they come up, but they also come with dynamic buffs, so these buffs are like, "Hey, you have the chance of getting double the power of an artifact from the reward," or "Now all of your horses are walking on the Broken Shore." Fun perks that change every time the building is going.

    What's fun about the system is that after players build this, they have this content inaccessible and helps provide the dynamic experience we're experiencing when playing Broken Shore. The building will be counter-attacked in the hands of the Legion. The Legion will take on the building. It is possible to defend it for the duration of time, but eventually the building will collapse. When the structure is re-constructing itself or is in the process of cooling down or cool-down, if you'd like to put it this way, you are able to contribute again to it and the dynamic buff has been replaced by a different dynamic buff. At the same time, players have been contributing to a different structure, perhaps that one isn't locked, and that one's contents are available now. This is one of the, maybe, less understood and more dynamic driving forces cheap WoTLK Classic Gold that are behind this Broken Shore experience. It's not something we've ever done before.